About the project
Through a tender process, Newism was engaged by Lake Mac Council to review the look, feel and functionality of the Holiday Park web portal after the previous two versions of the website had failed to meet expectations for online booking and the goal to reduce a high volume of phone enquiries.
Rather than make assumptions, Newism focussed on analytics and available market research data. Understanding user problems, goals and anticipated behaviour paved the way to an optimised information architecture, content delivery and visual engagement.
Newism delivered the entire project from conception to fruition, and continues to provide support, hosting and ongoing improvements.

I can’t thank Newism enough for delivering (ahead of schedule!) our new, functional and damn sexy website!”

Newism nailed the brief and launched the website 1 month ahead of schedule. The site launched in August 2018 with an immediate 30% increase in SEO score.
Cast forward several years and the website continues to generate a steady flow of bookings and qualified enquiries. Park operators spend far less time over phone and email answering basic visitor questions.